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Job Search Support

Get personalized support for your job search on Lolland.

Welcome to Lolland!

We’re so happy that you have chosen to live on Lolland and we look forward to meeting you.

The Danish job market can be challenging for international newcomers. We know this and would like to support you with our free job-search-support program.

You can look forward to personalized support, including an initial consultation during which an individual job search strategy is developed. This consultation can potentially be held online before your arrival on Lolland.

Personalized support:

  • Written guides about how to Danish-up your CV and how to write the Danish version of a motivation letter.
  • An initial job search consultation with the development of an individual job search strategy, which can also be held online before your arrival.
  • First follow-up consultation within 6 weeks after the initial consultation.
  • Second follow-up consultation within 6 weeks after the first follow-up.
  • Ongoing invitations to monthly job search workshops where you can meet other jobsearching candidates and exchange experiences.

General guidance if needed:

  • Guidance for enrollment at Lolland Language School.
  • Guidance and referrals on how to start your own business through Business Lolland Falster's "Business Days."
  • Guidance on educational opportunities in Denmark.

There are a few requirements to join this program:

  • Your partner is working or will start working soon at a company located on Lolland or Falster.
  • You must be living or plan to live in Lolland Municipality.
  • You understand and speak at least a little English.
  • You are willing to actively participate and seek employment.

This offer is no guarantee of employment, but we will do what we can to guide you in the right direction.

The team behind this program includes Martina Frang Mostad, international consultant, and Martin Hansen, international business consultant, from our Newcomers Service.

Kindly reach out to us via email at if you would like to join or if you have any questions.

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Newcomers Service
Lolland Kommune
Torvet 3
4930 Maribo

Telefon: +45 54 67 67 67
