In Denmark, there are different phone numbers to call depending on the situation. We will provide this practical information at the end of the article, but first, here is a quick overview of how the Danish healthcare system is organized:
The healthcare system in Denmark operates across three political and administrative levels: the state, the regions, and the municipalities. The state holds the overall regulatory and supervisory functions in health and elderly care. The five regions are primarily responsible for hospitals, general practitioners (GPs), and psychiatric care. The 98 municipalities are responsible for a number of primary healthcare services as well as elderly care.
GPs play a key role in the Danish healthcare system. They are the patient's primary point of contact and citizens can contact their own GP with any questions related to health and illness. GPs also act as gatekeepers between the primary level and the specialized healthcare system.
You can find the contact information for your GP on your yellow card.
If you need to see a specialist, your GP will refer you to one. However, there are a few specialists that you can contact directly without going to your GP first, such as dentists, ophthalmologists, or otologists. This means that if you or your children have problems with ear infections and you want to see a specialist, you can find the closest one and contact them directly.
If you want to change your GP, you are free to do so, but it will cost a small amount of money due to administrative work.
You can read more about how to do change your GP at (in Danish)
Health Insurance Card
Most examinations and treatments are free, but you need to CPR-register and get a health insurance card. When you are covered by the national health insurance, you will receive a yellow health insurance card. The Health Insurance card is documentation that you are entitled to the services offered under the national health insurance scheme.
Approximately three to four weeks after you have registered, your national health insurance card will be sent to your Danish address. The card will show your name and address, your CPR number and the name and address of your doctor.
It is advisable always to carry this card with you as it is required whenever you need to see a doctor, a dentist or go to hospital – or when you want to take out books from the library.
Who to call if you or your child is sick?
There are different options for who and where you can call depending on the situation:
Not critical but in need of a doctor
You can always call your GP with any questions. Usually, you will initially talk to a nurse or a medical secretary in the doctor's office. Together with you, they will assess the situation and give you their recommendations for what to do. If it is a situation that cannot wait, the doctor has the option to see you on the same day.
Critical situation but not an acute life or death situation
You can call the Region Sjælland akuttelefon on the number 1818. This is for situations where you need a doctor immediately outside normal working hours for your GP due to a serious situation that cannot wait until the next day but is not life-threatening. You will be guided by medical professionals on which options you have for medical care. There are both options to go to Nakskov or Nykøbing Falster to see a doctor.
Life-threatening situations – call 112 immediately
If you witness or are in any way close to a life-threatening situation, call 112 immediately.
If you have any questions concerning the information above, your GP is the best place to ask any questions concerning health og healthcare in Denmark.
Injury Clinic and Emergency Room
At Nakskov Injury Clinic, you can receive treatment for minor injuries that you have sustained within the past 24 hours. The clinic is staffed by specially trained nurses.
Learn more about the injury clinic (Only in Danish)
The nearest emergency room can be found in Nykøbing Falster.
See more about the emergency room (Only in Danish)