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Lolland International Welcome Fund

A new initiative supports events that welcome international newcomers and helps them feel at home on Lolland.

In recent years, Lolland Municipality has seen an increase in the number of international newcomers. Many move here because of the Femern project, and others come to work in local businesses. They often bring their families with them.

Being new in a foreign land isn't always easy, and it can be challenging to build new relationships and become part of the local community. Lolland Municipality wants to support welcoming the new international newcomers, so they have the opportunity to get to know both people and the local community.

Therefore, financial support is now available for hosting events that focus on welcoming international newcomers, creating new social connections, and integrating them into the local community. These events can range from welcome gatherings to activities that introduce newcomers to community life, communal meals, and cultural events.

The Process

Associations, networks, or individuals wishing to organize social or cultural events targeted at international newcomers in Lolland Municipality can apply for financial support.

Applications will be individually assessed, and the support will be allocated for the purchase of services, catering, venues, or other necessary resources for the event. Advance payment options are available. While co-financing is not required, applicants are expected to contribute voluntary work hours.

Applicants must fill out and submit a form containing the following elements:

  • Description of the Event: A detailed description of the individual event, including its purpose, activities, and how it will contribute to the welcoming and/or integration of international newcomers.
  • Target Audience: Identification of the target audience for the event and how it will meet their specific needs.
  • Date and Location: Determination of the date, time, and place of the event.
  • Budget: Preparation of a budget showing how the requested funds will be used for specific expenses, such as the purchase of services, catering, venues, or other relevant costs. Grants are only provided for the purchase of catering and necessary resources for the event.
  • Evaluation: After the event, a brief evaluation of the number of participants and whether the event was positively received by the target audience must be submitted.
Apply for the Lolland International Welcome Fund (

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Newcomers Service
Lolland Kommune
Torvet 3
4930 Maribo

Telefon: +45 54 67 67 67
