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Job Bank

Join the CV database from Jobcenter Lolland if you're looking for a job on Lolland.

This is an option for newcomers, that are still waiting for their digital ID, MitID.

The candidate pool are manged by Jobcenter Lolland, part of Lolland Municipality. When you upload your CV and data, you agree that we may contact you within 120 days if a job opportunity becomes available.

Jobcenter Lolland will contact you if they find a match between your experience and the needs of a hiring company.

Your registration is not an application for a specific job but an expression of generel interest in employment on Lolland.

Join the CV Database

Have MitID already? Create a CV on Jobnet instead

If you have MitID already, we encourage you to create a CV on Jobnet, the official homepage from Jobcenter, instead.

This is an even better option as your CV will not only be visible for the recruiters from Jobcenter Lolland, but also for all other Jobcenters in Denmark as well as for companies using this option. 

Go to the guide: How to create a CV on Jobnet.

Note: This homepage is only in Danish. Please use the translate option of your browser. 

Of course, these options are not guarantee for a job but you're spreading your CV and our recruiters can see it in case of a job opening. 

We also encourage you to take the initiative to search for job openings on your own and consider uploading your CV to other candidate pools.

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Newcomers Service
Lolland Kommune
Torvet 3
4930 Maribo

Telefon: +45 54 67 67 67
