Schools and daycare
Welcome visit by a health nurse
The health nurses in Lolland Municipality offer a welcome visit to newcomers with children under four years old. Here, you will be welcomed to the area, and you will discuss what you and your child may need.
You will be automatically contacted by the health nurse, who offers a home visit.
Open consultation with an occupational and physical therapist
Do you need to have your child's motor or sensory challenges checked by a pediatric occupational therapist or pediatric physical therapist? This could be the case, for example, if you notice that your child often falls, has inward-turned feet, or gets overstimulated.
Then drop by the municpality's open consultation at the health centers:
- 1st Tuesday of the month from 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM in the Children's Room, Nakskov Health Center, Hoskiærsvej 17, 4990 Nakskov.
- 3rd Tuesday of the month from 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM in the Children's Room, Maribo Health Care, Søndre Boulevard 84, 4930 Maribo.
If you have any questions before you come, you are welcome to contact:
- Pediatric Occupational Therapist Lene Rewers, phone +45 20 41 40 05
- Pediatric Physical Therapist Hanne Bärtschi, phone +45 40 24 77 83
- Pediatric Physical Therapist Kasia Wozniak, phone +45 40 32 78 50
In Denmark, you as a parent are entitled to 52 weeks of maternity/paternity leave. It is common for mothers and/or fathers to stay home with their newborn child until the child is approximately 1 year old.
Read more about maternity/paternity leave on LifeinDenmark
But what do Danes do while staying home with their child?
It can be difficult to decipher the Danish networking culture and build up a network of other staying home moms and dads. Here are some ideas for activities you can do with your child while you are staying home and enjoying maternity or paternity leave.
Familiens Hus Lolland (Eng: The Family House Lolland)
Familiens Hus is a newly established place for you as a family, together or individually, who are expecting a child or have children up to the age of 6. Here, you can approach freely and anonymously to seek advice and guidance on all topics concerning your family.
In addition to counseling and guidance, Familiens Hus offers various services.
A Maternity Café where both mothers and fathers are very welcome, where you can meet others on maternity leave. There's room for good conversation about parenthood, have a cup of coffee, and play with your baby in our large playroom. You can come whenever it suits you during opening hours. We often have a theme/presentation that you can participate in. It's every Wednesday from 10 AM to 2 PM.
If you are a father, you can bring your child and play and spend time with other dads. The offer is completely non-binding and open to all fathers with children aged 0-5 years. You can come whenever it suits you doing opening hours, and if your child is sleeping, then come and have a cup of coffee with the other dads. There may be different themes, like music, etc. It's every Wednesday from 3 PM to 4:30 PM.
There are ongoing various free events, for which there will be registration. Please follow Familiens Hus Lolland at Facebook, where information is continuously posted (in Danish).
New offers will be added on a regular basis.
Every Monday, the house is open for guidance and counseling from 10 AM to 3 PM. Here, you don't need to make an appointment. If another day suits you better, please contact us and we will find a more convenient time.
You can always call if you're curious or have questions at phone +45 20 31 40 43
Adress: Anemonevej 4, 4990 Nakskov.
Legestuen Lolland
Legestuen Lolland is a free option for staying home parents with small children aged 0-5 years old. One day a week, Legestuen (translated to playroom) is open. It is almost like a kindergarten where there are toys, activities, and other kids to play with.
Legestuen Lolland is run by volunteers, and you need to sign up to join. Their website is only in Danish, so there might be a need for Google translate. There have been other international families who have been very happy about Legestuen Lolland.
Read more about Legestuen Lolland at their website (in Danish).
The library
The libraries in Maribo and Nakskov offer many different activities, even theater and shows, for small kids. Professionals are usually hired for the different shows, so please keep an eye on the calendar 'Det sker på Lolland' and the libraries website– and find daytime activities and events for your kids.
At the libraries, there is also a physical area with toys in both places where you and your kids can go and enjoy some time.
Go to the calendar 'Det sker på Lolland' (in Danish).
Go to the libraries website (in Danish).
Baby swimming
Since we live in a country surrounded by water, we have a long tradition of teaching our small kids to be familiar and safe with water. From when your baby is small, you can attend “Babysvømning” in the swimming halls on Lolland. On the different websites of the swimming halls, you can find information about when there is scheduled baby swimming.
You, as a parent, join in the warm water with your baby, and there is an educated instructor who will show and teach you different techniques for you and your baby to enjoy the water and eventually feel safe in water. When your child gets older, there are other classes that they can join.
Children can be enrolled and is guaranteed a place in public daycare options, from as early as 6 months old, although most typically start around 9-12 months. Up until the age of 3, children can attend public or private nurseries or family daycare, where trained teachers take care of them.
From the age of 3 to 5, children attend kindergartens. Most kindergartens in Denmark are public, but there are also private options available.
All Danish kindergartens have professionally trained staff. The pedagogical approach in Danish kindergartens focuses on stimulating children’s social, linguistic, and democratic skills, primarily through play and planned activities.
How to enroll
If you need to enroll your child in daycare, log in to ‘Digital Pladsanvisning’ through and complete the registration online.
Families only pay a maximum of 30% of the cost of nurseries and daycare centres, as the Danish State subsidizes the remainder.
You can find more information about childcare regulations, payment, and enrollment on LifeinDenmark.
Playgroups for stay-at-home-parents
For the parents who choose to stay home with their children, instead of enrolling them in childcare options, it is possible to engage in local playgroups.
Many stay-at-home-parents organise playdates in their private homes or in public libraries or playgrounds.
Almost all Danes are active on Facebook, and many of these private networks are established there.
In Denmark, children typically begin their first year of school in August of the year they turn 6 years old, and the receive 10 years of compulsory education.
The majority of children attend public schools (Danish: Folkeskole), which are free of charge. There are also private school options available. Both types of schools offer after-school programs where children can do their homework and engage in play activities.
On Lolland, there are four independent public schools in urban areas, one international school, four village arrangements, one special school, and four private schools.
On the school map, you can see the locations of the schools on Lolland.
How to enroll
If you need to enroll your child in school, directly contact the respective school. You find contact information on their respective websites in the listing below the map.
Lolland International School is a free school offer for students aged between 6 and 15 years old. The school runs a high quality, bilingual program where students will have half of their lessons taught in English and the other half is taught in Danish using a combination of both the Cambridge International Curriculum and Danish curriculum.
Priority is be given to students of foreigners who work in Denmark, however, the school will also offer places to Danish families if spaces are available.
If you have any questions or would like to know more, please write to
When a pupil has completed the 9th or 10th grade of primary and lower secondary school, there are many opportunities to continue a youth education programme in Lolland Municipality. There are vocational and upper secondary education programmes, Adult Education Centre (VUC) and preparatory basic education programmes.
We believe that education provides quality of life, and therefore, we want as many people as possible to receive a youth education.
The youth education programmes in the municipality offer exciting, professional challenges, inclusive teaching, attractive study environments and, not least, strong communities.
Find more information about Nakskov Gymnasium & HF at their webpage (Only in Danish)
Find more information about Maribo Gymnasium at their webpage (Only in Danish)
Read more about CELF - Center for Vocational Education Lolland-Falster (Only in Danish)
Read more about VUC Storstrøm (Only in Danish)
Read more about FGU Lolland-Falster (Only in Danish)
Global Studies at Maribo Gymnasium
For the school year 2024/25 Maribo Gymnasium are launching a new International Line - Global Studies - as a part of the courses they offer.
Read more about the new international study line at their webpage
If you want to take a higher education, there are several options in Nykøbing Falster, which is the area's largest town.
Futhermore, many universities have various forms of remote learning where you can take all or part of an education programme online.